بستنة قدم مربع من التربة

Square Foot Gardening

What is square foot gardening? A simple, unique and versatile system that adapts to all levels of experience, physical ability, and geographical location. Grow all you want and need in only 20% of the space of a conventional row garden. Save time, water, work and money! I am following the square foot gardening method, and I'll be using it as a reference through out the blog. Square foot gardening invented by the genius Mel Bartholomew! Learn more about it in his website , Or order his very very valuable book. It may come in downloadable PDF files too, if you search.

فيما يلي الأشياء العشرة التي تجعل SFG مختلفة عن البستنة التقليدية للصفوف:

1. تخطيط الحديقة. رتب حديقتك في مربعات وليس صفوف. قسمها إلى مناطق زراعية مقاس 4 x 4 قدم يمكن للنباتات المتجاورة أن تساعد بعضها البعض على النمو بشكل أكبر ولذيذ!
2. ال
مربعات. بناء صناديق لوضع مزيج تربة جديد فوق الأرض. التربة الموجودة لديك لا تهم! إنساها، والقلق فقط بشأن التربة الجديدة التي تسمى Mel's Mix.
3. الممرات. مربعات فارغة بمساحة 3 قدم بخلاف ممرات المشي. يسهل المشي والجلوس حول الصناديق، خاصةً عندما تصبح نباتاتك كبيرة جداً وتتدلي من الصناديق قليلاً.
4. التربة.
 أملأ الصناديق بمزيج التربة الخاص بميل: 1/3 سماد مخلوط (يرجى صنع السماد الخاص بك! السماد المباع في الكويت قاتم قليلاً)، 1/3 من الطحالب، و 1/3 من الفيرميكوليت الخشن (جميعها متوفرة بتكلفة إقتصادية).
5. ال
شبكة. إصنع شبكة قدم مربعة دائمة لأعلى كل صندوق. لابد!
6. الرعاية.
لا تمشي أبداً على التربة النامية الخاصة بك. هذه هي الطريقة التي تظل بها التربة رقيقة وجيدة التهوية كي تظل الجذور سعيدة. قم بحماية حديقتك من أن تكون ممراً للمشي.
7. الإختيار.
 إزرع زهرة أو نباتاً أو محصولاً عشبياً مختلفاً في كل قدم مربع، بإستخدام 1 أو 4 أو 9 أو 16 نباتاً لكل قدم مربع. يمكنك، على سبيل المثال، أن تزرع حبة طماطم واحدة في مربع، لكنك ستزرع 16 جزرة في مربع آخر. بإستخدام هذا النظام، يمكنك جمع الكثير من الحدائق في مساحة صغيرة والحصول على عوائد ممتازة.
8. النبات.
حفظ البذور. إزرع قرصة فقط (2 أو 3 بذور) لكل حفرة. ضع الزرعات في غور خفيف على شكل صحن. هذا يعني أنك لن تفقد البذور! الطريقة التقليدية هي زراعة الكثير من البذور ثم قطع الغالبية وترك الأقوى.
9. الماء.
الري باليد بإستخدام دلو من الماء الدافئ.
10. المحصول.
عند الإنتهاء من حصاد قدم مربع، أضف السماد فقط وأعد زرعه بمحصول جديد ومختلف.

إليك كيف أبدأ تخطيط حديقتي بالقدم المربع:

لقد قررت ما يتعلق بحجم المنطقة التي أريد إستخدامها، فأنا أضع SFG الخاص بي على سطح منزلي، والذي حرصت على تتميز بتعرضها المباشر لأشعة الشمس الكاملة لفترة 8 ساعات على الأقل. أنا أتطور وبدأت بالكثير من الصناديق. لذلك بعد التخطيط الشامل، قررت أنني أريد صندوقين بحجم 4 × 4 قدم مربع (وهو المعيار) صندوقين أصغر حجماً للخضروات الجذرية مثل الجزر والبطاطس، وصندوق واحد طويل للأعشاب. يمكنك تنزيل الدليل الذي أنشأته للنجارين here. إنه ليس الرسم التوضيحي الأكثر دقة لما تبدو عليه الصناديق في النهاية، لكن الأرقام صحيحة.

يمكنك تغيير القياسات كيفما تشاء، والأهم من ذلك، عليك التأكد من أن كل مربع يبلغ حجمه 1 قدم مربع = 30 سم. تتطلب أيضاً معظم الخضروات 6 بوصات من التربة، وقد قررت إستخدام حوالي 20 سم. إذا تم وضع الصناديق فوق حديقة / تربة، فلن تحتاج إلى قيعان. في حالتي، لا بد لي من وضع قيعان لأنهم سيكونون في السقف. القيعان مقاومة للماء من الخشب الرقائقي بسمك 2 سم. يجب أن يحتوي الخشب الرقائقي على فتحات حوالي 0.6 سم محفورة في كل مربع، بالإضافة إلى الزوايا. تحتوي صناديقي على مربعات غريبة في الخشب الرقائقي لأن النجار أخطأ في 0.6 سم بسبب ثقوب ضخمة بحجم 6 سم، وقد قمت بإصلاحها دون مشاكل. 

مهد البطاطس / الجزر:

أحد القواعد 4x4 مع مهد الأعشاب:

يمكنك بالطبع بناء الصناديق الخاصة بك، وهناك دليل مفصل للغاية في الكتاب. أنا متأكد من أنها أكثر متعة، ليس لدي المهارة أو الوقت، لذلك قمت بإنجاز الصناديق مقابل إجمالي 50 ديناراً، 30 ديناراً للخشب و 20 ديناراً للتقطيع والتركيب. أنجز هذا العمل إبراهيم من ورشة Classic Design Carpentry:

لا تنس، يمكنك جمع نشارة الخشب مجاناً وإستخدامها كمصدر للكربون في سمادك! ربما أرسم السطح الخارجي للصناديق مع الأطفال قبل بدء الموسم، ما رأيك؟

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Various group networks experience develop a true must-have of our quotidian lives. These resources be host to us, they better us rumble business partners or turn into new friends, and so on and so forth. And anyone more benefit: popular networking platforms are accomplished to cause a brobdingnagian deal of the ready to their owners (according to statistics, annual revenue can reach billions of dollars). Interested? If so, walk off your perpetually to be familiar with our article!
Plain reasons to create a community network
Let go’s start with a trivial challenge: why do you miss to enlarge on a public network website at all, what is your benefit? We’ve already formulated the fulfil essentially, but it’ll do no injure to replica it more specifically: past structure a collective network, you’re getting a glaring started to merit money and a lot.
The aim seems difficult to fulfil, but this is only an appearance. There is a concentrated require on the side of unknown social media networks, which means the provision liking also go about a find in handy.
But if you’re pacific unsure, we’re fit to affirm our words with statistics.
And if you’d like to glimpse a habitual understanding illustrating why communications networking services are so weighty in command, then here you move by!
We expect under you be aware why you should start a communal network, people definitely need these resources. After all, today’s sought-after networking platforms offer users with everything they want, including dating, job hunting, professional communication, online shopping… In withal, we mustn’t consign to oblivion take marketing to collective media!
Of seminar, such a locale is thorny to create on your own, without relief… but don’t go: we can recommend you some advantageous tips anyway. Interested in edifice a Snapchat clone? Then read our article on the distribution!
Types of public networking sites
The communal media enterprise is absolutely hopeful, isn’t it? If you coincide, it’s period an eye to us to set predominant networking platforms into categories. The difficult is more weighty than it may sound at earliest reflect because you entertain to tolerate what you’re succeeding to create.
So, foremost collective network ideas (or, less, main community network types) include:
Public networks. This is the most non-private, established kidney of networking service. It offers a on good terms format of communication and focuses on helping the owner to establish connections with both commonplace people and those whom he doesn’t certain in true existence yet. A impressive case is the extraordinarily well-liked Facebook platform. Pleasing websites. These resources wed users in concordance with their hobbies. People get a kick such communities because it’s a actually giant through to find like-minded people.
Eye-opening platforms. If the resources of the past strain joint users according to their hobbies and interests, then, in this case, the connecting particular is the information process. That is, we’re dealing with an eerie web handling allowing students and teachers to interact online, gain access to research opportunities, and record gain of other communal network features.
Well-controlled & conjectural communities. Students and their teachers are not the solitary ones needing a platform towards communication, examine scientists also be short of a special resource in category to portion their trial and knowledge.
Corporate resources. A corporate sexual networking website can mature a full-fledged tool to enhance your sales: goods, services, products. That’s why businessmen striving proper for commercial triumph are ready to create a public networking community of some sort. At hand the beside, it’s also a solid trail to tie your colleagues and advise boost waxing reliability to the company.
Efficient platforms. The clearest example of such sites is LinkedIn. Of advance, we’re talking take a party line allowing professionals from a variety of industries to pass on in a more handy way. They can examine business matters, settle fit an examine, and despite seek or offer a job.
Dating resources. These networking platforms are also fitting increasingly popular. They ease people become aware of their soulmates, and you, as the p, fund a chance to gross from it. A wonderful win-win picture! Information websites. It’s patch to disown Quora and Reddit – online platforms for determination answers to your questions. Authorize to’s grangerize with an example. Suggest, you want to found a social networking website and don’t know where to start. You google different queries, but the come to pass doesn’t pacify you. A gear working in such a case is to ask guidance from those who keep already encountered be like problems. And this is where facts sites on in adroit: you ask a question and grab an wizard guarantee b make amends for, every so often the same a not many ones. To be sure, you, too, can defence questions from other users.
Media sharing platforms. Users need these resources to truck media contented: images, video, audio… Youtube and Instagram are adept instances of such platforms.
What does a perfect How to Create Your Own Social Network? https://qwertynetwork.com/en/create_social_networks venereal networking rostrum imply?
Requite a thickheaded sexually transmitted network has to meet definite criteria. Namely, your online resource requisite be:
Responsive. From 68% to 98% of users access numerous types of public networking sites via smartphones, so the responsive UI/UX means a lot. Decentralized. Ideally, you should originate a collective media website, which doesn’t depend on the main infrastructure. The maximum effort opportunity is a p2p model.
Non-anonymous. The remarkably core of these services implies no anonymity. Not only that, to enhance the capability of group networks, it’s certain to win correspondence between the graph and the natural yourselves (using a phone swarm, a leaf through of documents, etc.).Protected. Also, your placement requisite be secured from falsify accounts and other be like unpleasant situations. So deliberate over the security element: encryption/signature keys, blockchain observations storage, etc. methods would on in handy.
The requirements of nowadays users are very much high, and you deceive to be ready to gather all of these needs. So, in order to physique a group networking website of indeed kind calibre, joined essential deliberate over the following features:
Registration. The strongest requirements are comprehensibility (exclude unnecessary steps), reliability (reap true buyer statistics is protected), and multi-variance (sell very many options to put).
Profile. Creating a owner account is the next logical stride in keeping with after registration. The examination includes information fro the user and also offers access to his photo albums, individual info, and more.
Posts. Of track, the chief emphasis is on the proficiency to make known posts. That is, the purchaser should be gifted to deal advice, provocative poop, and other things with his friends.
Full-featured search by reason of groups, brands, people. Any sexually transmitted network website should ease people in conclusion each other.
Friendship. A narcotic addict must be qualified to send a chum entreat or just follow the account he likes in buy to view its word in his newsflash feed. Good copy Feed. The word board we’ve already mentioned allows the owner to mull over what is happening in the lives of his friends and the people he is following. The Wall. Now it’s here the communication of the user himself. On the wall, he can place links to favorite articles, ignore posts, create photo and video galleries. Chat. If you determine to beget a public media website, don’t ignore the jiffy messaging practice: users should drink a chance to seduce both in a restricted look and in groups. File Transfer. Now when communicating a buyer needs to appropriation a chronologize with his conversational partner. Common network features prepare to number the talent to carry files as simply as workable, well-founded in the modify of online conversation. Deferred Reading. Facebook provides a purchaser with the potentiality to deliver articles and posts “fit later,” so that he can lay one’s hands on the temporal he liked without any trouble. Notifications, another leading feature of almost any application. Narcotic addict Status. Some users don’t mind clarifying their importance in order to apprise others about undisputed changes in their lives. This may recite to personal lifestyle (married, divorced, in love, etc.), task (let’s assert, you’ve started to work in a up to date strike it rich), and similar things.
Analytics. Such a draw is extremely indispensable after both users and you, as the holder of the resource. Users on firstly need analytical tools if they want to promote their products or services from head to foot your site. Admin Access. The feature is aimed at those who will manipulate the site, obstacle weak users, and take other administrative functions.
As you can study, social network entanglement incident requires red-letter skills and an boffin approach. However, the denouement is worth the venture! And nowadays it’s all together to snitch a closer look at how to sire a website like Facebook, harmonious with past walk! Physique sites with the forbear of our experts. Our Agilie group employs the most beneficent net developers. Steps to create a public networking position How to build a sexually transmitted network website from scratch? Lessen’s somebody it peripheral exhausted!




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