Ive recently started composting in chicken wire bins which I easily made. The wire is sold in rolls and is very easy to work with.
This method has proven more successful in my case, than the plastic bins. As the compost is by far hotter than before. I've never had actual steam blowing in my face when digging into my compost before.
I made sure the bin is in the shade, as to not lose moisture so quickly.
هذه الطريقة إقتصادية في إعدادها، وفي حالتي أفضل السماد. لا أطيق الإنتظار لملئ كل شيء والحصول على نباتاتي المستقبلية سعيدة ومغذية جيداً.
Hello Farzana,
The wire bins are bottomless. It depends which method works best. The bins are cleaner, but will compost less materials. So it’s a smaller operation.
The wire is messier, but will compost on a larger scale.
If you want to conserve water the bins retain more moisture.
Happy composting!