حمص حب

حمص حب

Regular price KWD 1.000 KWD
Sale price KWD 1.000 KWD Regular price KWD 1.250 KWD
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الحمص، المعروف أيضًا باسم الحمص، محبوب بسبب نكهته الجوزية ومحتواه العالي من البروتين. هذه الفاصوليا مثالية للزراعة في الحديقة أو في الحاويات، وتضيف مكونًا مغذيًا ومتعدد الاستخدامات إلى مطبخك!

🌱 Plant Appearance

Size: Compact bush plants growing about 30-45 cm tall 🌿
Color: Small, round pods with light green beans inside 🌟
Shape: Pods hold 1-2 beans each, perfect for harvesting by hand
Plant: Drought-tolerant and hardy, great for warm climates

🍽️ Taste & Uses

Flavor: Mild, nutty, and slightly buttery 🍽️
Uses: Ideal for hummus, soups, salads, or roasting as a crunchy snack 🥗🥙
Texture: Firm when cooked, perfect for adding body to dishes

☀️ Growing Tips

Sunlight: Thrives in full sun, helping pods mature faster 🌞
Soil: Prefers well-drained, sandy soil – garbanzos do well in drier soil 🌱
Water: Requires less water once established; water moderately 💧
Spacing: Space plants about 15-20 cm apart for best airflow and yield 🌿

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