فلفل سانديا

فلفل سانديا

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نيومكس سانديا هو نوع فلفل حار متوسط النكهة معروف بلونه الأحمر الزاهي وحرارته الدخانية المميزة. سواء كنت تقوم بتحضير الصلصات أو الشوي، فإن هذا الفلفل يقدم نكهة قوية ونكهة حارة ستضفي نكهة رائعة على أطباقك بسهولة!

🌱 Plant Appearance

Size: Medium-sized peppers, about 10-12 cm long 🌶️
Color: Bright red when ripe, with a slightly waxy skin 🌟
Shape: Smooth, elongated peppers with thick, juicy flesh
Plant: Compact plants that grow up to 60 cm tall, ideal for garden beds or containers

🍽️ Taste & Uses

Flavor: Smoky, fruity flavor with a medium to hot heat level – perfect for adding spice to dishes 😋
Uses: Great for salsas, sauces, grilling, roasting, or stuffing 🌮🔥🍴
Texture: Thick, juicy flesh with a satisfying crunch and heat

☀️ Growing Tips

Sunlight: Loves full sun for maximum heat and flavor ☀️
Soil: Prefers well-drained, fertile soil enriched with organic matter 🌱
Water: Keep soil consistently moist, but well-drained 💧
Spacing: Space plants 45-60 cm apart for optimal growth and air circulation 🌿

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