Roasted Tomato Ketchup ● كيتشاب طماطم الحديقة

Roasted Tomato Ketchup ● كيتشاب طماطم الحديقة



  • 1.3 كج من طماطم الشيري ( او اي نوع طماطم آخر حسب الرغبة)
  • ربع كوب خل التفاح + 1 ملعقة كبيرة خل ابيض
  • ثلاث ملاعق كبيرة عسل
  • 1 ملعقة صغيرة ملح
  • 1 ملعقة صغيرة صلصة ورشيستر
  • ربع ملعقة صغيرة فلفل اسود مطحون
  • ملعقة صغيرة حب خردل مجروش
  • نصف كوب بصل ابيض
  • فص ثوم كبير
  • زيت زيتون (لطهي البصل والثوم والطماطم)




يحمر الطماطم بالفرن مع قليل من زيت الزيتون

نقطع البصل والثوم الى قطع صغيرة ويتم طهيها مع قليل من زيت الزيتون

يتم إضافة الطماطم المحمرة بعد إخراجها من الفرن على البصل و الثوم، ونقلبهم على نار هادئة

نضيف الخل والعسل والملح والفلفل الأسود وصلصة والورشستر والخردل المطحون

نقلب المكونات قليلا

نقوم برفع القدر عن النار قليلا لحين خلط المكونات بخلاط يد بنفس القدر

بعد التأكد من خلط المكونات جيدا، نعيد القدر على النار ونستمر بالتحريك حتى يثخن قوام الخليط

نقوم بعدها بتصفية المكونات بمشخال في قدرآخر وذلك بالضغط جيدا على المكونات بالمشخال

سيتكون من الخليط الذي تصفى من المشخال الكتشاب، وفي حال انه خفيف القوام  ممكن طبخه لوقت اكثر

نعبىء الكاتشاب في قنينة وثم نضعه في الثلاجة حتى يبرد

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Expert Ethical Hacking and Crypto Recovery Services.

Hey there! I understand the frustration of losing cryptocurrency. Lose it to individuals you have given your time, trust, and personal information to. It’s a tough situation; I have lost hundreds of thousands of USD, and I fear what these impostors would do with my details. It was months of fear and trauma for me before coming in contact with CyberGenie HackPro. Are you currently experiencing this? Are your details, images, and videos in the wrong hands, are you being blackmailed by scammers after stealing from you? Please don’t worry; legitimate gray hat hackers and crypto asset recovery companies can help you, but finding the right one is a big deal. One option that is highly recommended is CyberGenie HackPro. They are a team of professional private investigators and also have a team of experts who specialize in recovering lost crypto and have a recorded success rate over the years. They’ll guide you through the process and help you recover your funds. Their success rate is impressive, and they have helped numerous individuals and businesses retrieve their funds via various means lost to scammers running from BEC Fraud and pig butchering fraud. I had to hire CyberGenie HackPro after being tricked by a team of crypto miners who later hijacked my crypto asset account, after my plea to them to assist me, they didn’t fail me, and I am thrilled by the outcome. Every penny and time invested while working with CyberGenie HackPro was worth it. I recovered my lost crypto asset funds, and all my details and documents sent to this fake platform were erased from the scammer’s system. Remember, it’s essential to choose a legitimate company with a proven track record and positive reviews, CyberGenie HackPro is the DEAL. If you want full internet protection, find CyberGenie HackPro via:
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Stay Safe out there…

ariadne morales


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Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Scam Recovery / By CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS.

It’s unbelievable how effective Captain WebGenesis Crypto recovery services can be’. I never thought money lost to fraudulent investment websites could be recovered, I actually thought it wouldn’t have been possible for me to get back my lost Crypto from a scammer that I fell victim to early last month . After several attempts of trying to get the money back through authorities with no luck, I almost lost it all. At the verge of giving up I came across numerous positive reviews about Captain WebGenesis online. I decided to contact Captain WebGenesis who quickly responded and got into my case with no time. After a period of 48 hours Captain WebGenesis was able to recover my lost funds,

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How to Recover Stolen Cryptocurrency in 2024 / By Captain WebGenesis.

Crypto Scam Recovery || Recover Lost Funds || Crypto Investment Went Wrong. How do I recover crypto from a scammer?.
I need a hacker to recover my lost investment?.

Contact Captain WebGenesis : Whatsapp +1(501)436-9362

Captain WebGenesis is the top Crypto recovery company for scam recovery and cybercrime protection. They provide a wide variety of professional services to help you recover lost funds from scams, cybercrime, and more. Discover their website for more details.

Hire A Hacker To Recover Your Stolen Crypto Coins || I Can’t Access My USDT Account, It Looks Like I Was Hacked || Bitcoin Recovery Expert Required, Getting Back Lost, Hacked Or Stolen Crypto?.

Ray W

How to Recover Stolen Cryptocurrency in 2024 / By Captain WebGenesis.

Crypto Scam Recovery || Recover Lost Funds || Crypto Investment Went Wrong. How do I recover crypto from a scammer?.
I need a hacker to recover my lost investment?.

Contact Captain WebGenesis : Whatsapp +1(501)436-9362

Captain WebGenesis is the top Crypto recovery company for scam recovery and cybercrime protection. They provide a wide variety of professional services to help you recover lost funds from scams, cybercrime, and more. Discover their website for more details.

Hire A Hacker To Recover Your Stolen Crypto Coins || I Can’t Access My USDT Account, It Looks Like I Was Hacked || Bitcoin Recovery Expert Required, Getting Back Lost, Hacked Or Stolen Crypto?.

Ray W

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