Compost Sak With Cover

Compost Sak With Cover

Regular price KWD 23.950 KWD
Sale price KWD 23.950 KWD Regular price
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Compost Sak – 30″ wide x 38″ tall equaling 12 cubic feet.


الكومبوست ساك ™

مفهوم جديد في صناعة الكومبوست: "الكومبوست ساك" او حاوية الكومبوست هي وسيلة معقولة ومريحة وفعالة لإعادة تدوير نفايات المطبخ و مخلفات الحديقة 




 قوية و متينة للغاية بالرغم على انها مصنوعة من نسيج خفيف الوزن. تستمر لسنوات طويلة و يعاد استخدامها مع مرور المواسم الزراعية

النسيج يحتوي على كمية هائلة من المسامات الصغيرة التي تسمح بتدوير الهواء و الماء اللذان يعتبران عنصران اساسيان لنجاح الكومبوست


المسامية العالية تساعد على وجود و تكاثر الميكروبات المفيدة

Aerobic microbes

و تقلل من وجود الميكروبات الغير مفيدة

Anaerobic microbes 

السعة: ١٢ قدم مربع او ١٠٠ غالون 

لا تحتاج تثبيت وخفيفة الوزن-
من السهل تحريكها وسهلة التخزين عندما لا تكون قيد الاستعمال


صنع في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

The Compost Sak™

A New Concept In composting: The “Compost Sak” is an affordable, convenient and efficient way of recycling kitchen scraps and yard waste into nutrient rich, beneficial garden compost.
The “Compost Sak” is constructed
from a textile fabric that is lightweight yet extremely durable and will last for years.
This rugged fabric is extremely porous containing an enormous amount of micro-pores that allow for constant air circulation and excess water to drain. Aeration and water (but not too much) are two of the key components to successful composting.


    • Affordable
      The Compost Sak™ is affordable while most fancy composters are priced at $200 and more.
    • Over 100 Gallon Capacity
      The Compost Sak™ is big. The actual volume is approximately 117 gallons, but you will not want to fill it up all the way. We say the volume is over 100 gallons.
    • Breathable Fabric Speeds Up Microbial Activity
      The Compost Sak™ is made from a porous geo-textile fabric. The fabric allows for complete aeration. And aeration is the key to composting.
    • Lightweight
      The Compost Sak™ is a large fabric sack, so it can be shipped inexpensively, and it takes up little space when not in use.
    • Easy To Use
      Unfold the Compost Sak™ and start using it. For best results, pick out a spot in the backyard that gets some sunlight and a little rain.
    • 30”w by 38”t of Pure Compost
      If filled to the top, the Compost Sak™ could make over 15 cubic feet of compost. But you will not want to fill it all the way. So we say the volume is up to 12 cubic feet. Note – pure compost will be heavy.
    • Turns Leaves, Yard Trimmings and Kitchen Scraps into a 100% Rich, Organic Soil Improving Amendment
      Take out less trash and improve the value of your garden and yard! Composting is about improving your environment.
    • Reusable
      Most customers empty the Compost Sak™ when it is over half full. Re-use the Sak.
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